the parties scarperia Mugello - Discover Mugello

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the parties scarperia

the parties scarperia

Infiorata is a traditional festival that takes place in the country of Scarperia. It takes place on the last Sunday in May, along the roads of the country, thousands of flower petals covering the streets in celebration. It is the citizens themselves to "draw" with flowers figures theme each year more and more beautiful.
Another recurring event in the country of Scarperia is Renaissance Day on this day (the first Sunday of September) all the inhabitants of the village are dressed with clothes sixteenth prepare markets and organize festivals throughout Scarperia, is a curiosity that day that not only are "stretched outside the cabinet" old clothes, but is also reused the old guilder as the sole official currency.
Diotto is the evocation of the historical foundation of Scarperia. It takes the 8th September, at the streets and alleys of the city, ladies, knights, flag-wavers and musicians dressed in medieval strictly celebrate the most important event in the country. The evocation lasts until evening, when after games dances and dinners, was elected the new Vicar of the city.

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